Thursday, February 08, 2007


Holy mackerel! There was a huge crowd at YULblog last night. Estimates run from 70 to 100 people. Quite a change from this time last year when we were lucky to have a dozen. Although I wasn't interested in seeing all 100 attendees, I was very happy to catch up with familiar faces and meet many new faces of blog I've been following for a while especially Danièle, Kate, and Vanou. As Danièle pointed out, it's interesting because you are meeting this person for the first time, yet you already know so much about each other already.

I had trouble prying myself to leave because there were so many people I wanted to talk to. Even after four hours of conversation. As Martine mentioned, it would be even better if they toned down the music. I was hoarse this morning from speaking so loud. But otherwise it was a great evening and I hope it continues to have this kind of turnout.

Thanks everyone for the best wishes and the compliments regarding the weight challenge. Though it could be that I look slimmer because I haven't cut my hair. Since my head looks bigger, the rest of me looks smaller. At least that's the plan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am sorry to have missed it, I vow to be there next month.

  3. It was great meeting you, see you next month!
