Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Voting Begins

Voting has begun over at the Canadian Blog Awards. There are over 300 nominees in the 20 different categories. This blog has been nominated in two. Best Personal Blog and Best Blog Post. I have put together a list of noteworthy nominations that I recommend. Voting runs from today until next Tuesday. You can vote once each day (per computer). It's not required that you vote in every category, but you must make all your selections before submitting your votes. So vote for your favorites and make your keyboard heard.

Best Blog
Blork Blog
Metroblogging Montreal
Why was Daddy Kissing that Man in the Park
Zeke's Gallery

Best New Blog

Best Group Blog
Metroblogging Montreal

Best Humour Blog
Why was Daddy Kissing that Man in the Park

Best Photo/Art Blog
Digital Apoptosis
Monday Morning Photo Blog

Best Entertainment Blog
Zeke's Gallery

Best Personal Blog
Chicagoan in Montreal
Blork Blog
It's All Grey to Me

Best Media Blog
Montreal City Weblog

Best Blog Post
Chicagoan in Montreal: Snow Removal in Montreal
Babayaga: Death of the White Trash Latte
The Eponym: Smell This Law
Blork Blog: The Tragedy of the Venetian Socialite
Metroblogging Montreal: My Day at the Office

Best Blog Post Series
Blork Blog: Of People and Places

Best Activities Blog
Blork Blog

Best Local Blog
Metroblogging Montreal


  1. Cool! Hey, I knew I'd been nominated in a couple of categories, but "best activities blog?" I don't even know what that means!

    Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Yeah, you're all over the place. I think the activities refers to the cuisine aspect of your blog. But if you want to start putting together blog activities, have at it.

    I still don't know who nominated me for Best Personal Blog. I'm interested to see the outcome.

  3. Yo! True to your Chicagoland roots. you are encouraging us to "vote early; vote often!"

    Good luck!

  4. I'm with Auntie M, and have voted every day - even tried to vote twice in one day, but couldn't figure how to bribe the precinct captain...

  5. auntie m: I thought of adding that line after the fact. Thanks for you vote(s).

    rachel: thanks for the compliment. It always feels good to get feedback cuz I'm never sure what others think of what is written here. I write what I'd like to relay to friends and family and hope it interests them.

    marathon mom/ biker chick: Thanks for the votes. That'll definitely increase the number of votes I figured I would get.

    everyone: I did a bit of behind the scenes campaigning and it seems to have gotten out many more votes that I had expected. I may even have a chance to make the second round. Thank you for your votes.

  6. Yes, I was disappointed that a few of the blogs I voted for came up short by a dozen or less votes. I wasn't expecting to do well, but with all of the attention my snow removal post got in the past week, I thought I might have a chance.

    Yeah, lets barrage blork. Maybe then he will start organizing "activities" like a blog bowling outing.
