Rain in October serves no purpose. There is no growing season ahead. There is more than enough snow to provide the moisture needed in the spring. So October rain is only here to set the mood and make the falling leaves stick to everything.
Mind you, I'm one of those nutballs that doesn't have a problem with rainy days. I almost like them as much as sunny days and cloudy days. I like the ambiance. Meloncholy and clean. As long as I've got enough on to keep me warm and I'm not walking ten miles in wet clothing or footwear, I enjoy it. Maybe it goes back to my fascination with water and how it changes the environment and topography.
But in October, all this rain still doesn't make sense.
I think there are a number of us "nutbar" rain lovers out there! :D
ReplyDeleteI find rain very soothing.
Count me in with the nutbars. I wrote about my love of rain a few years ago, here: http://www.blork.org/blorkblog/2001/07/01/i-love-rain/
ReplyDeleteThe weird thing about this recent rain is that it feels more like November rain than October rain. October rain is usually a bit melancholy and goes nicely with the falling leaves and all that "end of summer" stuff, whereas November rain is usually cold and icy-gray and just makes you want to stay inside and cuddle up with someone (which is nice).
I miss the October rain!
Me, I likes the rain.
ReplyDeleteWell, the nutbars have it.
ReplyDeleteI guess my aversion to the sun is due to the abuse it has afflicted on my fair skin all these years.