Sunday, February 05, 2006

Notes on My Writing

When I opened this up to family and friends, there were a couple questions that I imagined popped into their heads. Now that we are juggling two small children, I feel it is best to answer those questions whether they are said or not.

When do I blog?
Or how the heck do you have the time to blog between work, family, and home? It is true that the vast majority of other bloggers I know are not parents. So when do I blog. Well, pretty much during all the in-between times whether I'm at the computer or not. Much of what I write is thought about and thought through when there is not much going on except inner dialogue. Driving alone in the car. Taking a walk during lunch. Waiting in line at the grocery store. Also much of the time that I had spent in the past alone aimlessly surfing, watching television, or sports is now spent writing and reading blogs. It has replaced other leisure activities.

That said, I have already noticed that my time blogging will be reduced with the new member of the family. In the previous months, it was easy to find the time late at night to write and read. My pregnant wife would turn in early and the youngster would be asleep at an early bedtime. But now that free time will diminish since I will be able to spend time at night with my wife again and available time to complete necessary tasks is reduced. I'll try to keep up the two post, one picture per week minimum as much as possible.

Why do I blog?
So what is the appeal that would make me pass on reading the latest about Britney on CNN or watching pundits argue the most recent political controversy. Oh wait, that already answered the question. It's the observations of life and the intellectual discourse. It is also like banter between friends. I could really ramble on about this one. It's a source for venting my inner dialogue. Like: Do others think this or is it just me?

The odd thing is that English has always been my worst subject. Whereas many other bloggers are doing it to 'get back to writing'. I had/have no desire to become a writer. Whereas I excelled at all my other subjects from math to art to social studies to 3d imaging, I always fell into the 50% for English. And those subjects which required writing suffered like history papers or science reports. That is unless I could butter up the teachers. I worked the little redhaired kid routine. The hair, a smile, and a little twinkle in the eye helped me in classes even though my placement exams said otherwise. Funny how it didn't help me on the dating scene.

How long will this last?
OK, this is a question I ask myself. Well, I'd love to use Lennon's quote about the Beatles. Who knows? It could be just a passing interest or it could become a part of my life like watching reality shows or drinking beer.

Why don't you write in French?
Plainly, this is one of my outlets for English. I still have not gotten to the point where I would be comfortable for all aspects of my life to be francophone. Plus, although I can speak fairly well, my writing needs alot of work. This would be a good place to practice, but it already takes a while to be sure I get across what I want to say without switching languages. And, I don't want to torture my readers with choppy sentences. Maybe someday, but not tomorrow.

Also, all of my readers back home wouldn't be able to read stuff I wrote in French. Hey. Wait a minute. Maybe I will...
La prochaine post: Les choses que je n'aime pas de ma famille et mes amis - part 1 de 23.


  1. Cher Tête-rouge,

    Je suis sûr que soyez le poteau le plus court de tous. Non?

    Au revoir pour maintenant,

  2. Even if you never intended to become a writer, you are one. You are thoughtful and articulate, just as you are when you speak. You have a conversational style that makes it seem like you are talking right to us. Anyone who has such a facility for writing is a real find!

    So, Frank le plus jeune, nice job! Keep it up!

    Cathy (the former English teacher, magazine writer, webhead and rusty francophile)

  3. Mrne. Umm... yeah.

    Cathy, Thanks for the kind words. Actually the two English classes I enjoyed were the two that we had to write a journal of short essays about things that interested us. This is quite similar to those journals. I remember one that was about how songs evoke memories. I may rehash that topic in the future.

  4. Est-ce que j'ai dit quelque chose mal? Le Français, sud du quarante-neuvième parallèle peut ne pas capturer les nuances et les idiomes de la langue. Mais ce que je disais, étaient celui dans une famille où l'excentricité est donné, si non estimés, puis là ne sont pas beaucoup à la critique. Non?

    Juste lui donnant un essai. Avoir un peu d'amusement. Veuillez excuser mes erreurs.

  5. mrne, no, I was just joking around as I thought you were. There wouldn't be many posts about the family ;) I agree that we have quite the eccentric family. My point was that I don't feel this is the place to aire thoughts on specific personal relationships. That should be done on a one-on-one basis. There are already enough issues and personal opinions that could rub people the wrong way.

    I see that I would have to write in vague Quebec slag in order to evade your understanding.
