Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Holy Mackerel !!!

I have had 700 hits over the past week! Amazing considering I had only 3000 over the previous eleven months. It took 4 1/2 weeks to receive the previous 700 hits and it took seven months to reach the 700 hit mark after my first post last February.

I didn't realize the post on snow removal would be of such interest even though I found it so fascinating myself. More than a couple people said they had also wanted to write a post on it. I just hope that some of those 700 will find what I write interesting enough to keep reading (and commenting). Not because I crave noteriety, but because my hope is to generate the discussions and conversations that the likes of Martine, Blork, and Cassandra's posts generate. I'll probably write more about that in the future.

So I would like to send a big thanks again to Martine who really got this snowball rolling. Thank you's also go out to Patrick, Sylvie, Panthere Rousse, and Sara who also linked to the page. Yes, I also did a bit of self promotion on the Metroblog, but hey!, why not?


  1. Hang in there because it's all about the long run. The amount of readers increases every year on my blog and it seems like the older a blog gets, the more readers it has.

    I'm glad I could help! ;-)

  2. Thanks for your thanks. My blog is still a fledgling, but I also noted a sudden increase of hits, probably because I started writing comments on other blogs. Well, that's the joy of the "blogosphere". And by the way, I started reading you before the post about the snow, when you wrote about smelly winter boots.

