Friday, December 16, 2005

Watercolor - Peillon, France

I am copying the idea that Paolo started on his blog. I have a bunch of drawings and photos in boxes that would be better served in the public eye. So I will also start posting them on a weekly basis. This one is from 14 years ago. Damn, I'm old.

My junior year of college was spent studying abroad in Versailles, France. During the year we had plenty of time off to travel and at the end we were encouraged to join one of a few handsketch or watercolour sketch trips. I opted for watercolour and we toured the French Riviera and Tuscany. I probably completed about 7 or 8 of them. I will post the best four. This is probably the second or third I had done. You should be able to see the progression. Peillon is a secluded hill town tucked up behind Nice and Monaco. Built largely of stone with roller coaster pedestrian streets like this one. Holy crap, I was just surfing and found a picture of the subject on some other page.

In other news, all this nostalgia has pushed me to commit my memories to paper. So I have created a blog about my memoirs of Europe. I have spent 19 months of my life over there and it had a significant affect on the direction of my life. So if it interests you, you can check it out. I am trying to go in chronological order.


  1. Did your time in France influence your move to Montreal?

  2. Your watercolor captures the moss that is also apparent in the Holy Crap photograph. Ah, the details.

  3. Nice! Keep 'em coming.

  4. Yes, Frank, we are getting old. Scary huh?
    Nice pic...good idea to post.

  5. Wow!! Thanks for the comments everyone. Glad you liked it.

    As a bit of a self critique, the shadow could have been darker and I did a really poor job with the surfaces parallel to the line of view like the inside of the tunnel and the slope to the left. But then again, this was one of my first tries. Stay tuned for more.

    Anon, for the short answer, yes. Not that love for the French culture made me want to move here, but the time spent there set in motion a series of events to bring me here.

  6. That's some tough perspective you've tackled very well, Frank. Nice job! Can't wait to see your others...

  7. So, are you still painting, or have you given up that worthless, stupid pursuit in favour of something worthwhile such as listening to Ipods?

    Actually, didn't mean to sound that bitter, but it was the first thing that came from my fingers, and I decided not to moderate it (just for fun, really). It's Jack, I met you at the last Yulblog meeting.
