Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Post #100 - The Best So Far

It is hard to believe but this is my 100th post. So far I have enjoyed getting these things written down and I feel proud of much of the content. The other day I was browsing through the blog and thought it would be good to resurrect some of the better posts. So in keeping with America's fascination with superlatives and having grown up with David Letterman, here are my favorite top eleven posts in chronological order. Why not ten? Because ours goes to eleven.

July 8: London
Written shortly after the terrorists attacks sharing my thoughts.

Aug 1: Back Home Again (From Home?)
A clearinghouse of past observations on the differences between Chicago and Montreal.

Aug 15: Poulet
A tongue in cheek observation of Quebecers eating habits.

Sept 19: Racism
My take on racism in both Chicago and Montreal.

Oct 7: Language - Part 3, Correction
A thorough study of the language demographics on the island.

Oct 8: Autumn This Weekend
One of the two best photos. The autumn peak actually occured much later this year and with less pizzazz.

Oct 16: Overpopulation
A rant on the growth of the world population.

Oct 30: Sovereignty - Part 2 - My Viewpoint
Aside from language, probably the second most important topic here.

Nov 17: My Beaujolais Nouveau Story
Some humour from my past.

Nov 30: Music as Identity - Part 2 - Industrial
A bit of nostalgia.

Dec 2: Montreal Sunset #4
My other favorite picture.

So that's it. I hope to be able to share more interesting items and observations. I am enjoying writing this and I am really happy to meet so many interesting people through this medium. Happy Holidaze.

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