A fairly tame subject.
There is a much higher percentage of dark haired people here. There's a smaller percentage of natural blondes (and a couple dozen redheads). The remainder are dyed. Purple, red, orange, blond, and streaks of these different colors are popular. Blue and green show up once in a while. Even middle-aged women dye there hair these different colors. Again it seems to be more of a European influence.
Also, women tend to have or wear their hair long and straight. The differences and style come from the way they tie it up. Men tend to be all over the map, but generally adults wear it short. There are alot more teenage boys that wear it long. Facial hair is not much different, though men of all ages wear beards. Instead of just older men, teenagers and young adults have them.
I agree, there are fewer blondes here. Blondes are more likely to be anglos.