Monday, August 15, 2005


One interesting difference I have noticed is that chicken is very popular here. Nine times out of ten when people at the office order out for dinner, it is from one of three or four chicken chains. They try Chinese once in a while, but people complain. St Hubert is the most popular chain. It is more a sit down restaurant than fast food, but they are all over the place. Whenever my in-laws would meet for a family event, it was always St Hubert. When I am out with clients, they choose St Hubert if there is one nearby. Even the Greek gyros equivalent, Libanese shish taouk, is made of spiced chicken on a vertical spit. My guess is that it is as popular as burgers are in the US.

A Croatian friend here also suggested that people look like what they eat. There' may be some truth to it. If you say people in the US are more rotund like cows and people here have skinny legs and more pronounced noses, like chickens.

Here's a picture of a guy I saw at one of the final Expos games (against the Cubs of course).


  1. Christopher Walken for president
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  2. Six Feet Under: Static
    With some sort of grand character-arc closure possible in next week's 75-minute series-ender, Static represented one final opportunity for Six Feet Under to episodically explore how Nate's death evokes even new ...
    Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

    I have a tapety site/blog. It pretty much covers tapety related stuff.

    Come and check it out if you get time :-)

  3. "Fear Factor" Couple Blogging Way To Insane Dream
    Yesterday, we received an email from a couple who've started a blog to boost their chances at being cast on Fear Factor .
    Your work is to discover your world
    and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

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    plastic surgery info site/blog. It pretty much covers plastic surgery info related stuff.

  4. Amazing!

    Somebody found out how to spam a blog.

  5. Lucky you! I've had the same SPAM problem. I've been trashing them for now, but if it gets outta hand I'll have to take some REAL action.

  6. Could I possibly interest you in an exciting new opportunity in selling cleaning products over your blog? You will be a mega-billionaire in just one week!

    Sorry to see you getting spammed.

  7. I could delete them, but I love all the positive attention.

    You can keep your cleaning products. I'm hung like a whale, can keep it up at will for under four hours at a time, and have access to all the low cost Canadian drugs I could ever want.

    Are all Fear Factor contestants plastic surgery patrons? I don't see the connection.
